Not bad.
Gameplay is decent though basic. The art style really shined but the zombies felt very out of place. Aside to that cool game.
Not bad.
Gameplay is decent though basic. The art style really shined but the zombies felt very out of place. Aside to that cool game.
Not great
It isn't bad, but the jumpy animation and really annoying music kill the creativity in the game.
Very Good
Very rarely do I play a game on NG all the way through but I found I couldn't stop playing this one. The music is great aside to the obvious times where it ends and loops, could use better transitions. The gameplay is good for a simple platformer though the character animations seem lazy ( as there is very little). The only thing I didnt like about it was that there wasn't any real progression, the game didn't seem to get more difficult as you continued playing it, it just seemed to be different. Though the game lacked a sense of progression and the music looped very obviously, the pure game play was very fun and addictive, good job.
Makes me want to become a lumberjack.
What is this shit? A picture with a 1 minute audio track? For Future Generations? A joke I hope.
Im sorry
But I couldnt play it... it was too horrible even in the start.. the shitty voice acting... then the thing trying to pop up and scare you then 'an helicopter'
Its very fun and addicting. After a bit the game starts to get repetetive and it could use some more level design and maybe somemore details.
Joined on 11/26/07